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3670 Banff Court #107, North Vancouver, BC V7H 2Y7
Tel: 514 293 0501/604 770 1557


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Design Panache shop at

custom made swag valence silk bedspread design 1930s ottoman

It's called Design Panache. A certain something - a je ne sais quoi. A color, a style, a texture. It's almost impossible to describe but easy to recognize. Charlotte Crystal's clients, who include Celine Dion and Margaret Atwood among the better known, all recognize it. When you have one of Charlotte Crystal's creations your life will never, ever, be quite the same again.

"This creative woman collects beautiful one of a kind needleworks, antique textiles, tapestries and lace and turns them into the most exquisite cushions, chair seat covers, table runners, duvet covers and footstools. What to do with your wedding gown? Why not turn it into beautiful cushions to gaze upon and always remember your special day."

Sandra Phillips, Smart Shopping Montreal


Copyright © 2006 - 2025. Charlotte Crystal Interior Design. All rights reserved. Design by Julia Waks

Charlotte Crystal Interior Design, Interior design, montreal, cushions, antique textile cushions , collage cushions, Victorian brocades, antique metallic trims, antique textiles, needlework, petit-point, embroidery, lace, decor, custom pillows, pillows, custom cushions, cushions, interior design, interior decoration, fabrics, appliques, antique metallic trims, passementerie, table runners, table scarves, doilies, 19thcentury tapestries, tapestry, handstitched, afghans, crochet, knitting, footstools, antique footstools, ottomans, tassels, tiebacks, decorative trims, tassel fringe, twisted cords, moss fringe, brush fringe, bullion fringe, drapery, upholstery, home accessories, bedding, custom bedding, shams, vintage trims, vintage fabrics, tablecloths, Aubusson fragments, Aubusson, Aubusson pieces, Victorian portieres, beadwork, Victorian trims, kalagas, sari cushions, Irish crochet, carickmacross lace, metallic embroidery, Irish carickmacross lace, reticella lace, madeira applique, antimacassar, Famco tapestry, mandarin squares, Hardanger embroidery, romanian point lace, kalaga, handsmocking.