Edit Sales Page
This will edit the Sales (english only) page:
- A total of two pages with 12 items (6 on each page) is currently available.
- Click the appropriate page number. Page 1 is the first or index page (index.html), page 2 is the second page (page2.html)
- When adding the text description (Description:) the system will automatically add the bold header Item xxx, there is no need to add this. To create a new line just hit ENTER at the place in the text where you want it. You cannot use comma (,) anywhere in the text description. If you do then the text displayed will be truncated at this point.
- The items are displayed top row, left to right, then bottom row, left to right.
- To remove an item set the Item Number: to the word blank, set Detail Number: to 0 and Description: to No item.
- To simplify data entry just set the Item Number: to the required value and it will assume the following images are present (use Upload Sales Page to updload the required images):
- n-xxx.jpg the image that goes in the left entry (size 143 x 108 pixels including a 2 pixel blue border) for example if the Item number: is 001 then a file with the name n-001.jpg should be uploaded.
- b-xxx.jpg the image that goes in the right entry (size 383 x 300 - the height can vary a bit but the width is a maximum) for example if the Item number: is 001 then a file with the name b-001.jpg should be uploaded. This image should be compresed by 20% to reduce its size while preserving inage quality.
- If there are detail images indicate the number in Detail number: (0, 1 or 2) if 0 is defined no detail images are expected. If Detail Number is 1 then a single detail image with the name d-xxx-1.jpg is expected (size 383 x 300 - the height can vary a bit but the width is a maximum) for example if the Item number: is 001 then a file with the name d-001-1.jpg should be uploaded. If Detail Number is 2 then two detail images with the names d-xxx-1.jpg and d-xxx-2.jpg are expected (each size 383 x 300 - the height can vary a bit but the width is a maximum) for example if the Item number: is 001 then files with the names d-001-1.jpg and d-001-2.jpg should be uploaded. Detail image(s) should be compresed by 20% to reduce their size while preserving inage quality.
- If Detail number: is 0 then no thumbnails are required. If Detail number: is 1 then TWO thumbnails are required. The first is of the main b-xxx.jpg image (size 58 x 46) and has a name of t-xxx.jpg the second is the thumbnail of the first detail image (d-xxx-1.jpg) and has a name of t-xxx-1.jpg for example if the Item number: is 001 then two files with the names t-001.jpg and t-001-1.jpg should be uploaded. If Detail Number is 2 then THREE thumbnail images with the names t-xxx.jpg, t-xxx-1.jpg and t-xxx-2.jpg are expected (each size 58 x 46 - the height can vary a bit but the width is a maximum) for example if the Item number: is 001 then files with the names t-001.jpg, t-001-1.jpg and t-001-2.jpg should be uploaded.
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